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Cresta Grey Landscape Boulders

Grey Granite Blasted Rock
Southern California quarry producing material for bulk and palleted sales in Southern and Central California and into the Las Vegas Metro market.
These granite boulders are blasted hard angular boulders with red, gold, orange or rust color tones. This rock has very bold sunset color tones.
These boulders are hand picked by photos sent to you or in person when possible.

La Cresta rock is hard angular material with dark red and yellow color tones contrasting against grey quartz. The main feature of this rock the sparkling quartz crystals when the sun or nightscaping lights are shining on the rock.

Small boulders are easily moved with basic hand pushed landscape equipment. Most boulders that are 3 feet or smaller can be easily handled 2 or 3 healthy men or a small tractor. Work with boulders larger than 3 feet is likely include some use of a tractor and skilled landscape construction staff. We offer boulder placement and equipment operating services in many locations, contact us for more information.

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Cresta Gray Boulders 12"- 18" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 12"- 18" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Each $38.99 Southern California quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $19.99
Savings: $19.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 12"- 18" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 12"- 18" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $569.99 Southern California quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $299.99
Savings: $270.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 24"- 30" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 24"- 30" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Each $148.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $74.99
Savings: $74.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 24"- 30" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 24"- 30" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $569.99 Southern California quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $299.99
Savings: $270.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Each $298.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $149.99
Savings: $149.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 30"- 36" Per Pound

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $569.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $299.99
Savings: $270.00
Cresta Gray Boulders 36"- 48" Per Pound Cresta Gray Boulders 36"- 48" Per Pound

La Cresta Boulders 36" to 48" Truck Load

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $569.99 Southern California quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $299.99
Savings: $270.00
Cresta Gray Boulder Specimen Cresta Gray Boulder Specimen

Southern California rock quarry shipping bulk throughout Arizona and Southern California. Palleted material in USA also available.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Each $1,299.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $1,199.99
Savings: $100.00
Cresta Grey Boulders