Home > D. G. > Decomposed Granite For Sale > Salt & Pepper Decomposed Granite

White, Salt n Pepper Decomposed Granite

Central California quarry - Limited Availability - Shipping bulk throughout Central and Northern California and in SuperEarthSacks anywhere requested.
A mostly white decomposed granite with some black in it, giving it a salt n pepper finish.
Depending upon the design and elements in your landscape this material can make a soft or bold impact in a garden, landscape, or driving area.

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Salt n Pepper White Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus - Crushed Granite Landscaping Salt n Pepper White D.G. 3/8" Minus Per Yard Super-Earthsack

Central California quarry shipping bulk throughout Southern, Central and Northern California. Shipped in SuperEarth-sacks anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per 1 cubic yard SuperSack $240.00 Centrak California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $158.40
Savings: $81.60
White Decomposed Granite